Monday, April 27, 2009

All In a Weekend's Work

When I last left you, Jamey was working on mastering his army crawl. I am happy to say, he has it down. He can creep and crawl with the best of them, as Christopher can attest while he attempts to keep his truck away from him. Now if he would just manage to lift his body off the floor as he crawls.

However, in the same hour that he mastered his crawl, he was on to another skill-- pulling himself up. Just after he crawled across the living room to get his drum, he took notice of this big wooden object in the middle of the room, which we refer to as the "coffee table." Our coffee table has a shelf about halfway down. Jamey crept over to the table, lifted himself onto his feet at the first shelf and then reached up to stand all the way up next to the table. My jaw stayed permanently dropped.

Lucky for us, we were able to get this skill on camera today, as he now plays the role of daredevil... attempting to pull up on everything possible, including Mommy and Daddy.

(Since I originally wrote this post, Jamey has also learned to "speak" through a megaphone made of his stacking cups and has also finally figured out how to crawl on all fours, but still prefers army crawl.)

1 comment:

Aunt Sue said...

Yup, the army crawl, I remember that one! Ahhh, he'll be walking soon! Wow, the time flies by so quickly!

Love you guys