Thursday, September 25, 2008

5 Things that make Jamey smile...

As I use this blog not only to communicate with all of you out there, but also for the purposes of my own memory, I wanted to jot down a list of things that I have noticed that especially amuse Jamey-- so that I may one day recount them to him.

1.  laying on his changing table in his diaper
2.  the ceiling fan in Mommy and Daddy's bedroom
3.  Mommy speaking French via a plastic giraffe
4.  finishing up doing his business in his diaper
5.  when someone imitates the sound that the Tivo makes when it fast forwards "Buh-doop, Buh-doop, Buh-doop"
6.  flirting with Mommy while he is nursing or Daddy when he is getting a bottle

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