Of course, he got his new measurements too, and this time around, he is perfectly proportional at the 90th percentile. His weight is now 17 lb. 1 oz., his height 26 inches, and his head 17.5 cm. Apparently when I was in last week and they said he was 17 lb. 5 oz., something was off. He showed off all his newer skills from holding up his own weight to trying to sit up, to sticking everything in his mouth.
It was also time for another 4 shots, but he went through like a trooper. I stood over him and held his arms down. Looking in my eyes, he started out with a smile, which went to serious mode. By the time she was doing the 3rd shot, his smile had turned completely upside down to what I call "the sad face". This is the super-frown that he puts on just before he lets out a loud, prolonged cry. So he let that out, and then we were done. The nurse was shocked because he immediately stopped crying and didn't start up again, as I got him dressed. Glenn and I also got a shot, to make Jamey feel good... and also to prevent the flu.
The biggest news is that Jamey gets to start trying rice cereal now. Don't worry-- as soon as we try it, it will be on the blog!
Mommy Tunes
Often when Jamey and I are doing things up in my bedroom, I will prop Jamey up on my pillow, turn on the radio (and the fan for Jamey of course) and give him a toy to play with. Whatever song is on, I try to insert Jamey's name into it, and of course I am always singing-- much like when I was pregnant. Mommy's hits include, "When you Love a Jamey" by Bryan Adams, "Push It" featuring the line "Ooh, Jamey Jamey, Jamey Jamey" by Salt N Peppa, and the most recent addition to the songs: "Irreplacable" by Beyonce.
Of course, I haven't found a way to insert Jamey's name into Beyonce's tune, but he seems to love the song nonetheless. It is the latest thing to make him stop crying and smile. Or maybe it is less the singing and the "eloquent" words of the song, and more the Mommy rendition complete with hand movements and dancing.
Sleep Update
Last time I wrote I told about the troubles we have been having with Jamey's sleep training. I am happy to say that Jamey is doing great with his sleeping. At night, he has no problems. He goes down, cries for a few minutes, and then falls asleep. He sleeps through the night, wakes at 5 for a quick 15 minute feeding, and then goes back down for another 3 hours.
The daytime? That is another story. As I think I wrote before, Jamey only likes to nap for 30 minutes. He has gotten really good at laying in his crib, crying for a minute or two, and then giving in to the lulling song of his "Ocean Wonders" aquarium. Then, like clockwork, he wakes up after half an hour.
I asked the doctor about this and she told me that because he is so healthy, it is quite possible that he is just a "cat-napper". He takes little naps now and then. Ah well! Not exactly what I was hoping for, but at least now I don't have to let him lay there and cry and cry for an hour.
Oh, and speaking of "Ocean Wonders", we know for sure that Jamey loves it. One morning, we woke up to find the Ocean Wonders music on. Now, the time only goes for 18 minutes and it shuts off, and neither of us had turned it on. Hmm....
So I got up out of bed to check the situation. I peeked through the crack in the door, and saw Jamey laying in his crib facing the aquarium. It wasn't on, and then with a swift kick of his leg, I watched him strike the button on the front that turns it on.
Hallo ihr 3! Barbara und ich wünschen Jamey auch alles Gute zu seinem 4. Monatstag! Uns hat der Schultag schon wieder eingeholt!!!
lg Babsi & Jochen
Wow, German comments. I am lucky to get any. lol!
Glad to hear that Jamey is doing better with sleeping. I am now going to get to fill in my baby needs with Melissa's baby boy. Born Saturday morning at 5:10AM baby Orion is so cute & I can't wait to hold him, feed him & fill in the gaps of how much I miss little Jamey. It was so wonderful & amazing to be a part of his delivery. It will be so nice also to have you to help me, help her since you are going through it now & it has been a while for me & she has never had a baby before. But, I know, she is gonna do GREAT!!
Had to share! Ah, babies everywhere, who do I get to give the loves to first? Everyone, all at once! Big huge hugs & loves for Mr. Jamey, he is the first baby of love in Aunt Sue's heart! : ) :)
Love to all of you!
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