Monday, January 14, 2008

Baby's First Rave

Last Friday, I chaperoned a dance at school-- a clean rave at school that was an alternate to your typical school dance with expensive dresses and nervously asking others for dates. It was just a time for the students to get together and have a good time. And the kids that showed up really did have fun. I was in charge of manning the glo-stick table to be sure that no one took any extras that weren't allowed.

Once again, the care my kids have for me came out. They wouldn't let me bend down, they asked me 1000 times if I wanted a chair until I finally said yes, they watched out for me when I went out onto the dance floor to take yearbook photos-- afraid I would get hit. They even made a glostick belt for right around where the baby is. Repeatedly, they would ask how Baby Rife liked the music. I just have to laugh at them. I think that is enough rave music for an entire pregnancy. I'm sure if I could feel the baby moving, I would have felt a lot that night...


Kristina Buenafe said...

I hope it was the Cheat's glowstick rave :)

Janet said...

It won't be long now...before you feel lil wahoo moving around in won't realize what it is at first...but when it keeps will know