Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"Frau W, you sure eat a lot of apples..."

I am beginning to wonder at what point my kids are going to catch on to all the little changes in my routine. Why am I suddenly eating oatmeal all the time? Why do I always have an apple during 7th period? Isn't that one snack too many? Did I realize the button on my pants is undone?

While I have avoided them noticing that I'm not buttoning my pants by always wearing a long tank top, the eating is starting to become noticable. I actually did have a student, Stephanie, mention to me that I am always eating apples. Luckily, she just figures I am trying to stay healthy. And then there was Alyssa, who caught me the other day first eating cottage cheese right out of the big carton, just before munching down a bag of chocolate Chex mix. "Geez, what are you eating now?" she asked me. "Are you one of those people who can like eat everything you want and you just don't gain weight?" I smiled at her and said, "Something like that."

I am looking forward to the time when my kids find out in January. Some of these are kids I have had since they were freshmen in high school. Just as I have watched them grow into confident seniors, they have watched me grow as a teacher, from my first year to my fourth. Other teachers comment on how protective/territorial they are of me and I'm not going to lie-- I love that they are. I feel the same way about them. After all, they are my "kids" (for now). I was actually hoping to get pregnant while my current group of seniors was in AP German. I know that they will spoil me-- or at least, I hope. :)

1 comment:

Nina said...

Hey Girl! I too share the sentiment, although I have not always been super thin, that I love my pregnant body. I feel it is an incredible outward sign of a wonderful miracle. Love you! Nina