Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Drop the cookie and step away from the cake....

In this entry, I will quickly relate the report from my most recent doctor's visit, as well as the hospital tour we took tonight.

Last Tuesday, we had our last monthly check-up. We will now be having biweekly check ups with the doctor as the big day approaches. As usual, my health is great. My blood pressure is perfect, and the baby is kicking hard and letting his heart beat he heard.

The first thing we do when we get into the doctor's office is get weighed. The nurse took my weight and after I went to the bathroom and "gave my sample", she told me that she wanted to reweight me on the way out because she thought she had misweighed me.

When the doctor came in, and after he did his whole spiel, he repeated this wish of the nurse's. "If she was right," he said, "I am going to have to yell at you." I bit my lip and asked how much she had said, as I didn't think she had made a mistake. When he called out the number she had gotten, I lowered my head and admitted that I was pretty sure that was the right number. At which he told me that I had once again gained 10 pounds in one month. His thought is that the amount of excerscise I am getting doesn't even out with the calories I am eating. Glenn tells me that is really just all the desserts I keep eating. So needless to say, I am trying to be better about what I eat. Fewer cookies, cakes, and cupcakes. I know that at this point, I really do need to slow down. Gaining 50 pounds, which is where I am, is enough. So I am trying to be a good girl.

Beyond that, he predicted that it isn't going to be a overly big baby... more like 7-8 pounds in the end. We shall see how right he is.

Tonight we went on a tour of the maternity area of Fair Oaks Hospital, where Jamie will come into the world. I knew that they had good maternity care, but actually seeing the rooms where I will be makes me feel better.

My biggest concern with having him is that I didn't want him taken from me right away and not given back for a while. Seeing the labor and delivery rooms in the hospital made me feel better about this. Each LDR (Labor and Delivery) room has an incubator and warmer for the baby. As soon as the baby is born, they put it under the warmer for a few minutes, wipe him off with hot towels, and then return him to his mother for the first 1-2 hours of his life. This was music to my ears. Not only would I get to see him for the first few hours (as long as well went well for us both), but even when they took him away, he wouldn't be leaving my room. After about three hours, they take him to the nursery and give him his first real bath. When that happens, they will move me from Labor and Delivery to Family Care.

At this point, with hospital bag packed, Glenn and I are excited to meet Jamie. Glenn especially is getting ansy to hold his son and play with him.

On a last note, a funny anecdote from a student of mine. As I came around to check homework, he asked me if I ever got scared about having a baby. I looked at him and shrugged. "Not really," I said. "I mean, he has to come out somehow!"


Aunt Sue said...

Wow! Thanks for all the updating! This does not mean that you can go a month without posting, lol. It is so cool to read all your stuff & see your pics.

What a great group of kids! You must be an excellent teacher! You must have sooooo much stuff now! I can not imagine. Hopefully they all bought sizes progressing upwards. : ) You will have to change him several times per day so that he can get to each outfit before he outgrows it.

Have a great one! I love you sis, hang in there here at the end. It is the worst part, but then there will be JAMIE!! Love to Glenn!


Nina said...

I can't believe it is getting so close! I am so excited for you, Chica!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. In a few short weeks you will understand. I'm amazed at how time flies anymore.

Please don't take my silence as a sign that I am not concerned about you. You are in my thoughts all the time!! You and Glann are in my prayers always.

Bryan and I are so excited for the arrival of Jamie! I wish we could come out there this summer and visit and get to meet him! Also, we would love for you to meet Amanda. I haven't posted on my blog in a while, but I will soon. Then you can see the most recent pictures. Thank God for the cyberwold!

I hope you know how much you and Glenn mean to us. You are amazing people and we love you both so much! We are so excited that you are bringing another member of the family into this world. Hang in there! It's a long haul, that last month... a doozy, to say the least. It is worth it!

On a side note, Amanda is finally sleeping through a good portion of the night. Whew! Speaking of which, I better get to bed. It's after midnight! EEK!

Love you Sweetie! Wishing you well.
