Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sympathy Pregnancy Brain???

Something happened to Glenn and I on Sunday that is too good not to share. It may not have much to do with Jamie, but it is just too funny. Every other Sunday, Glenn and I go out to get groceries at Wegman's. Glenn makes the list, I gather the coupons. We know Wegman's so well, that we follow the same path every time we shop there. We start in the produce department and go from there.

We did our usual thing-- grabbed some broccoli, onions. At one point, I went to get bananas and Glenn went to grab our salad greens. Placing the items in the cart, we continued on. Up and down the aisles, we filled the cart with our goodies. On the cereal aisle, I had a question of what was on one of my coupons. "Let me check my coupon" I said. I looked beneath the eggs and bread we had put in the top part of the cart. But I saw no coupon credenza.

My brow furrowed, I asked Glenn where the coupons were. "I don't know," he told me. Upon investigation, I had two reactions. 1: I was immediately disappointed because I put a lot of effort into cutting coupons and saving them up. The thought of having lost my credenza saddened me. 2: I blurted out to Glenn, "Is this someone else's cart?" He looked at me like I was crazy and said no, saying I had just put the coupons in the wrong cart somewhere along the way. I began to accept this when I noticed that there were grapes underneath the eggs.

"You bought grapes?" I said. Glenn looked at me and began to move the veggie bags around. Yes, there were grapes. But where was the onion we had gotten first thing in the store. Where was the broccoli we had picked up? "We took someone else's cart!" I yelled. We stood for a moment, wondering what to do. We glanced around at the carts around us, looking for my coupon credenza.

I suggested we go back to the produce section-- where we had been about 20 minutes or so beforehand. Glenn thought I was crazy... what, would these people just be standing around, calling for their lost cart?

So we raced back to the produce section, and there by the piles of apples, was a lone cart with only an onion, a head of brocolli, and a gray coupon credenza lying inside. I looked at Glenn and said, "And I'm the one with pregnancy brain?"

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